Monday, April 11, 2005

If you want to get a better understanding of why Iraqi "insurgents" or resistance battle against American forces in spite of overwhelming odds, read this brief post of an American soldier's sad experience in Iraq during his tour of duty.

A village protest turns into violent riot of thousands
Thousands of protestors and thousands of riot police that is. This happened in a coastal province in China where apparently violent and mass rural demonstrations have become increasingly common because of growing economic developments which have led to mounting corruption, mass layoffs and increasing construction which cause high pollution or displace many people from their homes. Beside rural villages and displaced persons, protests have even broken out over frustrations over unemployment as happened in Shenzhen at a job fair.
The government actually said over 58,000 protests occured last year with more than 3 million people taking part (from the guardian article described above).
This is a natural escalation from the widening urban-rural income gap that has been going on in China while it undergoes its economic boom. Note: this article was written in 2004.