Thursday, April 14, 2005

From an article in the Guardian of England speaking out on circumstances behind recent coups in former Soviet republics like Kyrgzstan:
"This myth of the masses spontaneously rising up against an authoritarian regime now exerts such a grip over the collective imagination that it persists despite being obviously false: try to imagine the American police allowing demonstrators to ransack the White House, and you will immediately understand that these "dictatorships" in the former USSR are in reality among the most fragile, indulgent and weak regimes in the world."

From the same site, on the situation in Iraq and the US occupation.
Things are going bad for the US and the poor US soldiers as hatred and rage against them grows and mounts with each passing month.

As the losses keep mounting for the US as well as Iraqis, the US army is desperate to gain new recruits as told in this Counterpunch article.