Friday, March 25, 2005

Tulip revolution- Kyrgyzstan's president finally toppled by protesters

Oppostition protesters rallied outside and charged the presidential headquarters in Bishkek, causing president of 15 years Askar Akayev to flee and thus, abdicate(for lack of a better word) his office of power. This "lemon or tulip revolution" follows and seems to have been inspired by the "Orange revolution" in Ukraine and Georgia's Rose revolution in which Soviet-era authorities were thrown out by well-organised and western-supported street protests which introduced new pro-Western governments into power.
In all these cases, the protests were triggered by allegations of rigged election results in favor of the pro-Russian governments. I'm just curious if these same protests were to be organised by the Democrats in the US against GWBush, then what would happen?

It seems that the people of America are smarter than we assume. Their Army has to resort to more drastic and (more dishonest) measures to get recruits after missing its recruiting goal for the 3rd month in a row after 5 years of meeting it.

UN report assumes Syria did threaten former Lebanese prime minister Hariri with "physical harm" last summer. I'm sure that the report is true, that Syria did threaten Hariri but I'm still skeptical that Syria did it considering it's so obvious and convenient to blame them for the murder.