Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I haven't been posting much on Africa this past year so I'm going to at least post briefly on a few issues going on. There hasn't been much focus on Africa in the mainstream media which isn't unusual given that there's never an ongoing coverage of Africa.

The Sudan crisis in Darfur has been going on for 2 years as the UN tries to punish suspected war criminals by trying them before the International Criminal Court (ICC). On Tuesday the UN voted to impose sanctions as well strengthen an arms embargo against Sudan to punish it for its lack of serious action to rein in the guilty parties and stop the mass killings, with a list of offenders to be drawn up by a Security council committee. The death toll is indeed shocking with at least over 150,000 dead in the Darfur conflict which the Sudanese government has done little to resolve or stop.

The UN has also voted to send a peace-keeping force to Southern Sudan to support a recent peace settlement which ended a decades-long war between the SPLM and Sudanese government.