Saturday, April 17, 2004


Recent developements around the world: the invasion and defeat of Saddam's tyrannical rule in Iraq by the Americans, the escalation of a civil war in Liberia following civil wars in neighboring countries and which US marines and other African countries were forced to intervene, terrorist bombings in Indonesia, Israel,Chechnya and most recently India.

It's sad that there are still lingering wars and conflicts going on all over this world. I know thoughout history wars have been going on and on and that many times they are essential to survival and justice. However as a Christian, I'm aware that killing and making judgements on another man's life are wrong and immoral, but if this (wars and justice) is essential to the creation of human societies it seems that Christianity is too idealistic and irrelevant to life in this world.

I feel that there are quite a number of contradictions in religion, all religions not just Christianity but I think too much of religion and too little in our lives is just wrong for how we live. The only problem is how to live out that balance.
I mean, if you think of God and religion all your life, then you might as well never go out in the real world at all and go live in some secluded, isolated place hidden away in some wilderness (actually that's not such a bad idea) because there's all kinds of sh*t you deal with at school, at work ,at home and you can't expect your thinking and actions to always be in line with Christ's teachings). This is partially why I have so much admiration for some pastors, reverends and even priests for their total dedication though obviously there are many holy men who have fallen short (re child molestations, homosexuality, corruption, greed and killing).
Also there's the problem of extremism, which means thinking you have the absolute right to impose God's will on anyone and anyhow you want. Think of the medieval Crusades, the Inquisition and the jihads that were declared these past decades by fundamentalists and terrorists. And the enormous sufferings,loss of life, horrors and abuses that have happened in the name of God but really just man using religion to justify their own evil intentions.
Then if you have too little spirituality in you, you start to live life as if God doesn't really matter at all. I guess this is a huge problem nowadays considering the wealth of technology and luxuries that we in the developed world live in which leads many of us to put our main focus in life not on worshipping and praising god and living according to His teachings but on material things, greed, power, sex and violence.
On one hand, there are the atheists who don't believe in God. Then there are people who belong to a religion but don't follow god and his teachings anymore. And finally you have the Sunday/ weekend Christians- it's like people have a gas station mentality (I read this from somewhere and I fully agree) where they go to church on Sundays or Saturdays to 'fill up in spirituality' which they waste during the week by doing ungodly things like drinking,engaging in immoral things like being dishonest or f*cking,gossiping and insulting other, and then they go back the next Sunday or Saturday to fill back up on God's blessings.
Truth is, I sometimes wonder whether I'm like one of these people also as I find it so hard to remember God in many circumstances and situations.