Saturday, August 13, 2005

These stories from Reuters Alertnet talk about the "forgotten" humanitarian crises, those that are largely unknown and unreported by most media.

-World's forgotten crises scream for attention
-Congo war tops AlertNet poll of 'forgotten' crises

The Congo war/conflict which has caused the most bloodshed of any war since WW2, the West Africa conflicts, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Colombian civil war, were all cited by experts as crises that are going on, little noticed, but still causing death,displacement and suffering.
Most telling is the fact that so much attention was paid to the tsunami and its high death toll that happened at the beginning of 2005, while several crises including the ones mentioned above have death tolls that dwarf the tsunami total, especially the Congo war which since the late 90s has resulted in the deaths of over 2 million.