Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Greg Palast,author of "The best democracy money can buy" is up to his detailed, investigative reporting again, this time over the warning remarks made by American Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice to the newly-elected president, Alfredo Palacio of Ecuador. This article in the Nation describes how Ecuador with 60 percent of its citizens living under brutal poverty, is burdened with a loan from the World Bank under which over 70 percent of its oil revenue profits must be paid back to bondholders.
Apparently the reason why Ecuador's new president has attracted negative attention from the American adminsitration and media is he wants Ecuador to retain a little more of its oil profits to reduce poverty like supporting social-services programs instead of paying them off to bondholders.

An excerpt from the article:
Given the oil windfall, Palacio sees no need to follow Gutierrez's path to economic asphyxiation. "It is impossible that they condemn us not to have health, not to have education," he told me. He made it clear that handing over 90 percent of his nation's new oil wealth would not stand.