Friday, December 03, 2004

Iraq body count keeps an extensive toll of civilian deaths in Iraq arising directly or indirectly from military action. Its estimate of 14,600-17,000 deaths is far less than the 100,000 claimed in several articles but that is still a large number of people dead. The number keeps growing and growing and certainly both American forces and Iraqi resistance/rebels have contributed to the mounting toll.

Read this letter from an American soldier serving in Iraq and who fought in Fallujah during the recent and ongoing campaign to take control of the city. It's a pretty gritty and brutal account of the terror and bleakness in the fighting there.
And the writer makes some valid points on why the US cannot 'win' the 'war on terror' in Iraq. The stubborn courage of the resistance fighters, the anger and bitterness of the civilians, and the arrogant and reckless ignorance of the American government in their strategy of occupation and using overwhelming force against the resistance.

A new site to check:
This blog is written by a group of US soldiers in Iraq "who are fighting in a war they oppose for a president they didn't elect". It seems really interesting and should have some deep, honest insight on the circumstances down there.