Sunday, September 05, 2004

These 2 previous posts on Chechyna and Africa were written by me during last year-2003. A little of the information on Africa might be outdated but not because things have gotten better. Indeed things have gotten worse especially with the crisis in Darfur,Sudan, the continued plunder and killings in Congo, and the hostage taking and suicide bombings perpetrated in Russia by Chechyen rebels/'freedom fighters'.

It's really sad to hear of the school hostage-taking by Chechynen fighters and the outcome in which untold hundreds of innocent people and hostage-takers died.Even now the exact circumstances are unclear but I'm sure that the public will strongly regard those Chechynens as evil, sadistic monsters and the Russians as innocent victims of these 'terrorists'. People should be aware of the untold and many tragedies that the Russian military has done in Chechyna in the years since the mid-90s. Then they'll know there are no clear sides of good and evil.No good guys and bad guys.