Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Tonight's links are to articles dealing with Iraq and the Darfur crisis in Sudan.
Firstly the crisis in Sudan is ongoing with hundreds of thousands of refugees still in refugee camps fearing for their lives and in danger of suffering outbreaks of malaria and other diseases in the cramped, squalid conditions. The Sudanese government (which is strongly believed to have causes this crisis indirectly through military and logistical support of the militias hunting the Darfurians as well as causing the root of the conflict which has been going on for years now) is still making unclear and (mostly) untrue statements on resolving this conflict. The article can be read here and it provides detailed description of the history and culture surrounding the Darfur conflict/ insurrection.
These articles, one and two provide some clearer insight into why there is so much hatred by Iraqis (especially the resistance fighters/militants/terrorists) against the US.