Tuesday, June 22, 2004

It's been a while since I posted. I went back to my country in May after an absence of almost 2 years. My stay itself was good but the condition of the nation was not, it was even worse than when I left. Crime was high, poverty still existed despite supposed growing economies, people were fearful and pessimistic about their future, and the politicians continued their inept, trivial, and incompetent rule over the nation's affairs.
What does all this have to do with this blog? Well, it showed that evil and oppresion and violence are spreading all around us, and Trinidad was a prime example, being an oil-rich, tropical nation renowned for its carnival and carefree attitude and genius of its people. Sure, places like North Korea, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and the African continent are all notorious for their poverty, backwardness and violence but slowly but surely evil is spreading and increasing in many places around the world. Someday the "developed-world" especially North America will be affected though not now.

On the ChristianScience Monitor website , there's lots of articles and commentaries on news and events around the world, but especially, there's a nice little weblog on events in Africa by the monitor's journalists there.
The address is http://weblogs.csmonitor.com/notebook_africa and the postings reveal brief but insightful info on the state of different countries and their peoples.