Thursday, May 19, 2005

Controversy continues over Newsweek's account in their May 9 edition, that interrogators flushed a Koran down a toilet among other things, to rattle Muslim prisoners in the Guantanamo military prison.
Afghanistan and Pakistan both condemned the magazine for the story which generated fierce anti-American demonstrations in Afghanistan and several Muslim countries.
Though American General Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last week that his senior commander in Afghanistan had told him the riots were "not at all tied to the article." Regardless Newsweek is finding itself in a deep set of trouble as criticism piles in from the US adminstration, Republican Congressmen and foreign countries. And of course, even if the story turns out to have some hint of truth in it -re Abu Ghraid, Newsweek will be pressured to deny it and retract everything.