Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So why and how has Bush and the Republicans become so dominant in US? Because the Democrats have no spine, and because they're just as corrupt as the Republicans.
See this post in Pressaction about Democract Sen. Dianne Fienstein and her massive profiteering through her husband's business with the War/ Occupation on Iraq. While it's just one example, she is certainly not the only Democrat legislator/ Senator who benefits from criminal actions of the ruling party.
The writer makes a great case why the Democrats deserve so much criticism as the Bush adminsitration. This isn't surprising in any country where there's only two parties competing for power as you either have a situation where the two of them fight tooth and nail and tear the country apart or where the two have a kind of informal arrangement where both parties alternate power after each election or two and both parties commit the same crimes in power with the other one condoning it.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Found a Newsweek article from last year that talks about poverty in Asia. It's a bit long but gives some good information. it's quite true that when it comes to Asia, especially East Asia, people think about prosperity, whether the Asian tigers, China's booming economy or India growing modernity.
It seems surprising to hear how there's more poverty in Asia but then, the number of people in Asia is much more than Africa too- China by itself has more people than Africa. Still I think it's a major issue and it's good to see the South Korean president talking about it being a big priority.